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こちらでも At, In & On For & To について学んで頂けます。


前置詞 コアイメージ 例文
About 周辺。 My report was about the bird that I saw last night.
Above 基準点があって、それより「上の方」。 The airplane has to fly above the clouds.
Across 平面を横切る。 My office is across the street.
After 何かの後ろ。 After school, I have a piano lesson.
Against 対象物の「対」。 It’s hard to see the white subtitle against the light screen.
Along 何かに沿って。 We strolled along the coast.
Among ぼんやりしたグループ。 The apps are popular among college students.
Around グルリと一周する動き。 Please put the ribbon around the tree.
As 2つ物を天秤にかけるイメージ。 I worked as a volunteer.
At 全体を見渡して「今、ここ!」と指さすイメージ。 I’m working at Tokyo station.
Before 何かの「前」。 Oliver has to go home before five o’clock.
Behind 何かと比べた時に「後ろ」。 The doll is behind you.
Below 基準点があって、それより「下の方」。 Your temperature is below normal.
Beneath 隠すような感じで、すぐ下に。 The flower’s sprouted beneath the snow.
Beside 2つの物が、側に。隣り合って。 Come and sit beside me.
Besides 1つの物の「他に」。 Everyone besides me likes the singer.
Between 2つの物の間。 My neighbor and I planted trees between our front yards.
Beyond 境界線を越えた、向こう側。 My aunt’s store is open beyond nine o’clock.
But 逆。 I don’t like boys but I like Tom.
By 隔たりのある「傍」。 I will always stay by your side.
Concerning 向き合う気持ち。 Maya has a lot of questions concerning anger management.
Despite 後に続く物を振り落とす。 Despite the cold weather, the kids went swimming.
Down 下の方へ。 The sled went down the hill.
During 特定の期間内。 I studied Biology during my college years.
Except 外され感。 The whole class finished the project, except one student.
For 曖昧な物に向かって手を広げているイメージ。 This letter was sent for me.
From 矢印の起点。 Where did you come from?
In 立方的な物に入っているような感じ。 He is in the room.
Inside 境界線の内側。 Let’s keep all the fish inside the pool.
Into 立体的な物の中に入り込む。 He came into the room.
Like 対象物に向かう好意。 Heather is very kind like her mom.
Near 「近い」と思える距離感。 I live near Tokyo.
Of 帰属、対象。 Would you like a slice of cake?
Off 非接触。 I got off the train at Tokyo station.
On 重力を感じるような接触。 I walked on the beach.
Onto 着点に接触。 The spider is now moving onto the picture frame.
Outside 境界線の外側。 I don’t want your ball outside the line.
Over アーチ状の覆い。 I walk over the bridge.
Past 基準点を過ぎ去る。 My husband worked past midnight on a regular basis.
Regarding 何度もチラ見。 Here are some concerns regarding the new technology.
Since 和訳のままの「~から」のイメージ。 It’s been 8 years since we graduated!
Through トンネルの様な空間を横切るイメージ。 The train went through the tunnel.
Throughout 空間を通過し終えるイメージ。 There are cockroaches throughout the building!
To 到達点まで一直線に向かう矢印(→)。 Let’s go to the toy store!
Toward 到達点に向かっている感じ。 Our donation will go toward helping single-parent families.
Under 広がりのある物の「下」。 We sat under the tree.
Underneath 接着感のある「すぐ下」。 The sheets are underneath the towels.
Unlike 同じグループだけど違う「スペシャル感」。 Unlike many other soccer team’s in the Sunset League, the team Mighty Mights is coed.
Until 「変化の一点」を目指す感。 Maria kept reading her book until her boyfriend arrived.
Up 上の方へ。 He is lying face up.
Upon ジャンプして、ピョンと接触。 “When you wish upon a star…”
With 空間共有。双方向性。 Can you play with me?
Within 境界線の内側。 The school is located within a good neighborhood.
Without 「ない」「していない」状態。 I can’t live without her.


「イラストで広がる英語の世界 ~前置詞編~」すずきひろし&ミツイ直子 より引用。

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